Financial Security and Funding for Medical Expenses
Rebecca and her husband’s reverse mortgage loan provided not only financial security and freedom, but funding for an unexpected medical emergency. Says Rebecca, “Honestly, I kind of wish I would’ve done it sooner!”
Fulfilling a Dream of Buying a Beautiful Waterfront Home
Cathy’s reverse for purchase enabled her to fulfill a life-long dream of buying a home on the ocean. As Cathy says, “I just feel so grateful to be where I am. I mean, it’s been a seamless, wonderful experience.”
A Parachute for a Silver Divorce Soft Landing
Colin’s reverse purchase enabled him to purchase a new home after a silver divorce. As Colin says, “I look at it now and call my reverse mortgage a ‘parachute.’ That means you’re gonna have a soft landing…I mean, I don’t see why everybody at my age doesn’t get one of these!”
Peace of Mind and Control Over Personal Finances
As Claudette says, “I can see how it would benefit so many people that want to retire…I would recommend a HECM to family and friends…” and greatly appreciates the financial flexibility her reverse provides.
Boosting Quality of Life, Financial Freedom & Family Time
Susan and Jim’s reverse mortgage boosted their financial freedom in retirement, enabling them to visit family more frequently and take vacations they couldn’t afford before.
More Fun, Financial Freedom and Security in Retirement
Nancy’s HECM line of credit has enabled her to do both highly practical things, such as pay bills and buy a new car, as well as fun things, like take a dream vacation.
Beating Inflation and Boosting Quality of Life
When inflation began to outpace Jeff’s social security and pension, a reverse mortgage loan helped make up the difference while providing funds to enjoy life.